The Strength of the Human Spirit

I was reflecting today on someone inspirational that I had met on a return flight from Cyprus. I was leaving Cyprus on my way to Boston and had just left Heathrow airport… When I sat down I noticed this really kind, tall, blonde guy next to me asking me if I needed help figuring out how to work the screen display on the seat in front of me. He could see I was clearly struggling. So I thanked him and finally got the thing to work. I started making small talk as I usually do on flights and asked him where he was coming from. He said he was flying to Boston from Ukraine to get some training. Instantly my heart sunk… I knew what had been going on with the war in Ukraine. I suddenly felt such a sense of empathy like I just wanted to protect him, give him a hug, and make sure he was okay. As I quickly bounced back from the initial shock I started asking him questions and just being a good listener, giving him a safe space to share whatever he wanted.

He went on to tell me details about the war since he was a military general on the front lines against the Russian opposition. I had no idea about some of the things he had told me… He said that Russians were intentionally bombing their neighborhoods in an effort to knock down the electrical grid so that the power would go out for everyone in the neighborhood. There would be days or even weeks where he would have no power. He was actually just an ordinary citizen before the war had broke out, but like so many other ordinary citizens he decided to learn how to use weapons and create an army to defend his country. As he was telling me all these things and showing me photos I was just in such shock… It’s one thing to see things on the news but it’s another to have someone right in front of you that was going through that very thing.

It gave me a glimpse into the strength that the human spirit can have. Throughout this entire conversation at times he would laugh, and at times he would look much more somber. I just listened empathetically and continued to give him a safe space to be heard. He showed me photos of him and his comrades holding cats and dogs and explained how they were genuinely therapeutic and provided emotional support. He went on to explain that one advantage the Ukrainians had is that they could understand the Russian soldiers’ language but the Russians could not understand the Ukrainian language. This allowed their conversations to be confidential even when the Russians would be listening to them.

Throughout this entire conversation I just kept thinking… Why is it that in one part of the world there could be relative peace and prosperity but in another there could be so much suffering and devastation? Why can’t we have some kind of international law that could be enforced to prevent these wars from happening? But then I knew it’s not that easy unfortunately… We still live in a time when organizations like the United Nations are merely a place for nations to have discourse but ultimately countries can do what they want when it comes to war. My parents had also fled a Communist regime that brought sudden violence and oppression upon their people. In their case, they fled and sought safe refuge/asylum in the United States. I just kept thinking… I wish that we could save everyone that is suffering and give them a safe place of refuge. But I also kept thinking that evil despots like Putin need to be held accountable and stopped so that they do not become a cancer, spreading suffering and oppression to the rest of the world.

I didn’t have all the answers but I just kept processing everything. I noticed he had a big smile on his face and he thanked me for listening to him and accompanying him while we had our in-flight meals. I was not only inspired by his bravery but I was also inspired by how much listening and giving someone a safe place to feel heard/cared for can make them feel better.

The plane started landing and I asked him if he was on Whatsapp. We went on to exchange numbers and I told him to let me know if he ever needs anything while he’s in Boston to not hesitate to reach out. While I can’t control what is going on in the other side of the world, I can at least try to help in some way and be there for someone in their time of need. I learned that there is so much unnecessary suffering and conflict in the world, but the way to counter and heal that is through small acts of love and kindness towards those in need. That is how we heal the world.


Immunity Boosters

If you’re looking to boost your immune system to prevent catching viruses and other diseases I’ve come up with a list of my top immune boosters. I’ve been studying herbalism and natural remedies for over 15 years so after much trial and error these are my top favorites to boost your immune system. Just a reminder to check with your doctor before taking any herbal supplements like tinctures or capsules since some can interact with medications. You can also go to your friendly WebMD site and search for the “Interactions” tab under the herb you search for to see medication interactions.


Garlic has antiviral (kills viruses) and antibacterial (kills bacteria) properties making it a really great addition to boost your immune system. This is one staple that I use whenever I have a cold or the flu and it really helps a lot. You have to eat it fresh in order to get the benefits. My favorite way to enjoy it is to mash it up and put it over toasted bread with olive oil. Basically like garlic bread. You can also try eating it alone but it tends to sting the mouth and isn’t a very fun experience. Trust me – turn it into garlic bread.


This is one of my absolute favorites. It is highly anti-inflammatory which can help bring down a fever and bring down the inflammation that the flu and other viruses cause. In fact, with the recent coronavirus outbreak a large part of what leads to complications is inflammation. You definitely want to control inflammation regardless of whether you have the flu, cold, or any other virus. If you can find the fresh root then I highly recommend using it that way and boiling it in water or milk. Otherwise, turmeric powder works too. One Indian tradition is to boil it in milk (or almond, coconut, or other milk) until the milk turns yellow/orange and then adding honey to sweeten it. Honestly, drinking this makes me feel amazing regardless of if I’m sick or not.


Ginger is another anti-inflammatory herb that really helps the immune system. I’ve found it’s especially great to ward off getting sick in the first place. And if you’re already sick, it’ll help clear the sinuses and get rid of a sore throat. It’s traditionally used in Chinese medicine to warm up the body and improve circulation as well. Also, if you ever have nausea as a symptom while you’re sick, this is the herb you definitely want to use since it alleviates it. I recommend using the fresh root for this herb if you can. I don’t care for the dried powder as much and since you can usually find it at the grocery store I say get the fresh root. Boil it up in water for at least 10 minutes to get a nice strong brew and sweeten it with honey if you’d like.

Elderberry extract

This berry extract is literally amazing. When I’ve tried everything else and nothing is working to make me feel better I add this to the mix and get better quickly. You can find it at a health food store or any drugstore with the brand name Sambucol. Since berries are anti-inflammatory I believe it works by relieving inflammation and helping your body recover quicker. It has a sweet flavor almost like blueberry mixed with grape.


This is a new addition to my list since I just recently started using it. It’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to help boost the immune system. It seems that the way it works is by stimulating white blood cells which help to attack viruses and bacteria. I drink it as a tea but you can also find it in tincture or capsule form. It tastes a bit like ginseng to me… Kind of fruity but also earthy. I’ve found that it does help to reduce inflammation when you’re sick. I drank this during the most recent flu season and I got over the flu in a few days (with the addition of elderberry extract).


This one is actually a mineral the body needs to keep the immune system functioning. If you’re trying to ward off viruses before getting them or if you just started feeling sick then this is the one you want to take. Try to take the form called OptiZinc which is zinc complexed with the amino acid methionine. It’s just absorbed better by the body and is a better form. Zinc gluconate is the cheapest and most common form you find in supplements but it’s also not really as great. Make sure you take zinc if you’re trying to ward off getting sick or if you’re already sick. Also, zinc helps to prevent infections if you ever have a healing wound.

Vitamin C

This is the most commonly known remedy for the immune system since it’s necessary for your immune system to function and you have to get it from foods/supplements. Some foods you can get it from are lemons, oranges, papaya, and cantaloupe. Usually yellow and orange foods. My favorite way to get it is to make a vitamin C smoothie. I mix orange juice, lemon juice, papaya, pineapple, and a little bit of carrots and blend them all together. It tastes amazing and gives you all the vitamin C you need for the day.

Vitamin D

This is another vitamin that most people are lacking especially when you’re staying indoors. The only way our bodies produce this vitamin is by exposing our skin to sunlight so you definitely want to supplement with vitamin D. I recommend the cholecalciferol version NOT ergocalciferol. Scientists have found that it actually makes our immune system stronger so make sure to supplement with 1,000 to 2,000 IU a day if you’re staying indoors all day and not sun bathing. Also, if you’re self-quarantining please make sure to take this.

Rhodiola Rosea

This herb is an “adaptogen” which means it helps the body cope with stress that might bring down the immune system. I recommend taking this to prevent getting sick or if you’re already sick due to overworking or not sleeping enough. It also gives your mind energy a bit like a cup of coffee (it doesn’t have caffeine though). My favorite way to take it is to open up a capsule and put what’s inside in hot water with some honey. It has an almost floral smell that I find really nice. You can also make a tea, though it won’t be as strong since teas are weaker than supplement capsules or tinctures.


Seventy percent of our immune system is in our gut/digestive tract. The jungle inside of your gut called the microbiome is filled with different strains of bacteria both good and bad that all roam around and sometimes fight each other to occupy more space. Probiotics are foods and supplements that introduce good bacteria into your microbiome and prebiotics are the substances that feed them so they survive. You want to take both prebiotic and probiotic foods so that you can have good bacteria and feed them so that they survive and strengthen your immune system. Some examples of great probiotics are plain yogurts (you can sweeten with honey, walnuts, or fruit), sauerkraut/pickled cabbage, kimchi (a Korean blend of fermented veggies), miso soup, and kefir. Some good prebiotics are unripe bananas, chicory root extract (you can find this in Fiber One bars), garlic, onions, dandelion leaves, artichoke, oats (think oatmeal), leeks, and asparagus. Taking probiotics and prebiotics can make sure the foundation of your immune system is strong and help fend off outside invaders like viruses and foreign bacteria.


Oregano is high in antioxidants which makes it a good choice to lessen inflammation in the body. For example, if you have a fever it will help to relieve it a bit. I throw some in chicken soup or both broth but you can also take an oregano oil supplement or make a strongly brewed tea. Oregano oil can be a bit pricey but if you’re able to find/afford it then I highly recommend it. Otherwise just using the dried herb in other ways is fine. It has antiviral (kills viruses) and antimicrobial (kills bacteria) properties and helps to maintain a good microbiome in your gut.

Holy Basil

Holy Basil or “Tulsi” as it’s known in traditional Ayurvedic Indian medicine is a really great herb for inflammation. If you’ve ever had Vietnamese pho, this is the herb they add to it for flavor. This is another “adaptogen” that helps to prevent getting sick or get over a sickness quicker if you are overworked or stressed. Another added benefit is that it helps a bit with anxiety/depression so if you’re coping with anxiety or depression while being sick then try this out. I’ve read that it helps with bronchitis as well (never had bronchitis so can’t speak to that yet). I like taking it as a strongly brewed tea but you can also find it as a tincture or capsule supplement.


Eleuthero also known as Siberian ginseng is an herb native to Asia that is another “adaptogen.” It helps your body recover from stress so if you’re overworked, stressed, or not sleeping enough then this will help your immune system to stay strong. Another added benefit is that it gives your mind energy a bit like coffee (though it doesn’t have caffeine). I drink it as a tea year-round since I find it makes me happier and more relaxed. I don’t find it as powerful as some of the other adaptogenic herbs but if you’re looking for something mild to drink once in awhile this is a good choice. If you can’t find this herb just go to your local supermarket and look for the Celestial Seasonings tea named “Tension Tamer.” It has Eleuthero and tastes AMAZING with honey.

Chicken Soup/Bone Broths

I had to give an honorable mention to chicken noodle soup and bone broths. It’s thought that the way it helps while you’re sick is by restoring your electrolyte balance (if you have chills/sweating as a symptom this is for you). Also, it has a blend of vitamins and minerals that feed your immune system. The gelatin in bone broths and chicken soups also helps to coat your microbiome which is where seventy percent of your immune system is. It doesn’t hurt to add this to your regimen.


I left this one for last since it’s one of the more well known herbal remedies. I personally haven’t found it to be as strong as some of the other herbal remedies. From what I’ve read it’s a mild herb that helps only to prevent viruses but not as effective if you are already sick. It can’t hurt to take it if you’re not currently sick as a preventative measure but if you’re severely sick I wouldn’t bother. It also reduces inflammation a bit which can’t hurt.

Just a final reminder to check with your doctor before taking herbal supplements if you have any health conditions or take any medications.

Wishing you a strong and healthy immune system,


The One Solution to Fixing Global Issues

Today I found myself reflecting back on an experience I had at the United Nations Foundation’s Social Good Summit in NYC. The weekend of September 22-23, 2018 had me thinking so deeply about how to really solve the global issues we all face. I attended the UN Foundation’s Social Good Summit and listened to so many speakers that enthusiastically wanted to solve the United Nation’s goals. It was so inspiring seeing the passion of the people around me. You could just feel the love and altruism pouring out of the building. The following week was the start of the UN General Assembly and I was in awe at just how many people were flooding into the area ready to discuss the issues we face as an interconnected global society.

With all of this enthusiasm also came a bit of melancholy. I asked myself, with so many people coming together for issues we all know need to be addressed, why haven’t they been fixed yet? Slowly, the answer started to come to me… The one solution to fixing the issues of the greater world is to start with yourself, the individual. Each individual creates a vote that elects a leader who can then create change on a larger scale. Each individual can make the choice to donate time and/or money to a cause that will help efforts to change global issues. Each individual can have conversations with others to inspire collaboration on changing global issues. Each individual can prioritize how much of their time is spent on these efforts. So the solution really, is the same source that allows institutions to be created and maintained, you the individual.

We can talk all we want about the issues we currently face in our world. We can complain, we can think about them, we can feel powerless to them. But until we all choose to do our small part in taking action to address these issues, they will seem too large and impossible. I encourage you to make small changes and encourage others to do so as well. Write to the leaders that represent you, vote, educate yourself, volunteer and donate money to organizations that are helping to solve global issues you care about. Have conversations with your friends and family about them. If each of us changes ourselves, we can change others, and change the greater world.

The one solution to fixing global issues is you.

Wishing you the strength to create the change you want in this world,


The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the source of all of our problems and I realize it comes down to fear. We’ve become so apathetic to one another because of fear of being hurt. Fear that if we help others then it will be at our own expense. Fear that if we love someone then we make an opening for them to stab our heart. Fear of letting go of that job you hate because you will have to start over temporarily. Fear that if we stand for what’s right then we’ll be ostracized. Fear that if we give opportunity to someone then they will take it away from us. Fear takes many forms and can poison nearly every thought or aspect of our life.

I think the most important thing for us as a society is to work on these deeply ingrained fears on a person level. The opposite of fear is love so consciously choosing that emotion is one place to start. But I really challenge everyone to look into their fears. Dig them out of the mud and look them in the eye. Shine a light on them. You will find that your fears are usually just a veil of illusion you’re putting over yourself. 

I’ve made choices the past few years to do things I would never normally do. I felt so uncomfortable at first but found that fear was actually an imaginary wall I was placing over myself. I was actually keeping myself from growing. Making the choice to travel to remote locations alone was a bit frightening at first. Until I realized that everything would workout and whenever there was an issue I could easily resolve it. Imagine not being able to see the jungles or mountains of the world because of fear. To not strike up endless conversations with foreigners and make friends across the world because of fear. To not travel to a distant city and attend an event filled with strangers all by yourself because of fear. To not explore the wonders of the world because of fear of being alone, or a boat sinking, or a plane crashing, or whatever endless number of lies the mind throws at you. Fear is what keeps you from growing and moving forward with your life. 

As Franklin Roosevelt put it so simply, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” 

Wishing you the courage to do the things you fear,

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

It seems like a cliche from “The Sound of Music” film but does thinking about your favorite things really make you feel better? I started thinking recently about a way to shift our minds from negativity to positivity.  One method that is taught in the spiritual community is to start a gratitude journal. I think this is a wonderful idea that allows you to focus on what’s going well in your life but what about finding tangible solutions to feel better? 

The answer came to me – write a list of all the things that make you happy! Think of it like your blueprint or “cheat sheet” you can consult when you need to feel better fast. I originally thought I would only be able to come up with about ten things but was surprised that I came up with over thirty! That’s a lot to choose from when you’re trying to find a way to feel happier fast. Also, with this blueprint sheet you can fill your life with these things on a daily or weekly basis to increase your vibration. The happier you feel, the higher your vibration and the better the chance that you will attract good things into your life. 

I encourage you to try this exercise out. Grab a pen and paper or your laptop and think about any little thing that’s made you happy in the past. It could be as simple as a smell, a food, a noise, a film, a song. Absolutely anything and the more the better! Then save this list for future reference so that you know what to fill your life with whenever you truly need to feel happier fast. 

Wishing you lots of love and happiness, 
